Digitalization in volunteering

The report “Digitalization in volunteering” provides an overview of trends that have arisen because of digitization, describes how they affect volunteering and what is important for the coordination of volunteer work.

Pedagogical methods of digital work and learning

In recent years, learning has evolved dramatically through digitalisation. Learning is no longer tied to specific materials such as books, it is no longer tied to a place and it is also independent of a specific time.

Digital learning, also called e-learning, represents a paradigm shift in pedagogical approaches, using digital tools and technologies to enhance and transform the educational experience. If the digital media required for the learning process are only available online, this is also referred to as online learning. In our report “Pedagogical methods of digital working and learning” you will find a collection of useful methods.

Possibilities and limitations of adapting offline activities to digital sphere

Digitalisation, catalysed by the COVID-19 pandemic, has emerged as a megatrend and found its way into all areas of life, volunteering being no exception.

On the one hand, this development has open two directions: one would be the simplification/digitalization of volunteer management and the second would be diversification of volunteering opportunities. On the other, the use of digital tools and methods has also shown that not everything can and should be digitalised.

The guideline “Possibilities and Limitations of Adapting Offline Activities to Digital Sphere” deals with the limits and challenges of digital work and also describes examples of best practice – where digitalisation has worked very well and opened up new perspectives for volunteering.