Values, attitudes & working principles in the digital world



Voluntary organisations live out core values and live them out in clear attitudes and principles.

In order to be prepared for the digital future, volunteer organisations must think about how they can make their values liveable in the digital world and also take responsibility for this transformation process.

This paper is intended to support voluntary organisations in bringing their values to life in the digital world in the form of attitudes and principles.

Based on a definition of values, attitudes and principles, central lived values of volunteer organisations are translated into attitudes and summarized in principles on how they can be filled with life in digital work.


Conceptual design

In order to discuss the manifestations of values, attitudes and principles, there must be a common understanding of what they mean. To this end, the framework has been defined by a common definition.


(What do you beleive in?)

Values are those ideas that are generally recognized as desirable in a society and give people orientation. A distinction is made between:

  • moral values (honesty, justice, loyalty)
  • religious values (fear of God, charity)
  • political values (tolerance, freedom, equality)
  • aesthetic values (art, beauty)
  • material values (wealth)
  • family values
  • corporate values.

(Who are you? How do you behave?)

Attitude refers to a set of feelings, beliefs, and behaviours toward a particular object, person, thing, or event

  • How do you feel and think about something or someone?
  • What do you believe in?
  • How do you behave?





(How do you do it? How do you make values and principles liveable?)

A “principle” is simply a fundamental rule that influences a person’s actions.

  • How do you do things?
  • How you apply your principles in practice?

Values that are relevant to volunteering

In a multi-stage process, experts for volunteering have compiled decisive values that are relevant in the area of impact and that are also important in the digitalisation of work in volunteering or its services.

Following VALUES are important for volunteer organisations we identified usually:


Ethics is the science of the practised morals or basic social values of a society. Translated to voluntary organisation, ethics defines what is perceived or evaluated as morally right or wrong.


Ethical action becomes visible in the areas in which organizations are active, what goals they pursue, how they act and communicate, and what attitude they take to socio-political issues.

Dealing with people

Dealing with socio-political phenomena

Activities in volunteer organisations


Participation in socio-political debates
Advocating for the audience you work for
Be a role model
Address violations
Show attitude in everyday life

Implementation in digital world

Target group-sensitive language
Target group-appropriate action
Respond on social media
Handling of sensitive data
Ethical Charter for Digital Work


Fairness is the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable.


Don’t embarrass anyone


Posting in the social media according to the settings (implementation)
Communication (Power of Language)
Ensure equal participation
Don’t judge people
Don’t embarrass anyone
Pay attention to balanced speaking times
Pointing out injustice – raising one’s voice
Show understanding
Focus on consensus, not compromise

Implementation in digital world

Mindfulness when posting on social media
 Communication (Power of Language)
Make sure that during online sessions, everyone is listening (and not doing other things on
the side).

Ensure equal participation in discussion processes through good online moderation.

Also ensure balanced speaking times during online sessions
Use online voting tools only for final decisions, but not for opinion-forming


Inclusion is the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for
people who would otherwise be excluded or excluded.


Warm-heartedness in communication
Making differences/diversity visible


Includes application forms that include more options for potentially sensitive questions (gender, origin) and open
answers/other/no answers

Mentioning behavioural/language use “regulate” to avoid verbal violations (no cyberbullying/harassment on the
internet) – acting responsibly to maintain a safe online space; give everyone space to express their opinion

Connect with the audience

Ensure that the offer can be used barrier-free

Taking cultural differences into account and not doing justice to them

Drawing attention to prejudices and addressing them

Use language or phrases that are accessible to participants.

Implementation in digital world

Use of inclusive language in email communication to avoid discrimination and promote
equality (dear applicant/participant)

Set up an accessible website

Show people with disabilities as beneficiaries or as volunteers.

Prepare inclusive online training


Accessibility is the fact that you can easily reach, participate in or reach it.


Overcoming language barriers


Don’t use the most complicated terms, although there are simpler words you can use.

Use different methods and tools, but limit yourself to a few and don’t use them in abundance

Conduct sessions/seminars that are easy to follow

Be compatible with the target group when addressing the target group, designing activities and
carrying out events

Ask questions when everyone understands everything

Implementation in digital world

An easily accessible website in simple language and with easy navigation

Use few digital tools that are easy to use

Use tools that are available for free

Use tools and methods that take into account participants’ upload/download speeds

Note that pdf documents are mostly non-editable – use document formats that can be edited by anyone if

Use OER (Open Educational Ressource) enabled materials


Lightness means effortlessness and carelessness


Error culture




Pay attention to the language in direct and indirect communication
Use simple tools that anyone can use
Use language that is understood by others
Don’t overload sessions with presentations
Follow the principle: structure follows strategy – be flexible about how you work and work with people
Have fun
Celebrate success
Be open to criticism and suggestions
Be excited to try new things
Joy of trying new things
Allow mistakes and see them as an opportunity to change something 
People trust that they are doing something

Implementation in digital world

Set up digital coffee breaks
Fostering the digital community
Explain and try out the use of digital tools
Difficulties with online meetings are normal, take them for granted
Support the use of digital tools
Always allow feedback and questions
Use microlearning knowledge in small bites!


Participation means being part of or participating in something.


Participation Fairness


use methods and tools to which
beneficiaries have access
Connect with yourtarget groups
Flat Hiearchies
Co-creation and involvement in projects
Ask questions, involve them and perceive needs
Involving people in the design of settings
Actively addressing people at meetings or events
Ask people for their opinion
 Choose tools that everyone can use
Use different methods to enable
participation with different resources
Using an accessible and inclusive website
Make sure that the group size is appropriate for the tasks you want to complete.
Don’t give monologues, let your team members have their say and participate
Assign equivalent tasks to each team member

Implementation in digital world

Check the availability of possible media in advance
Only use media that are also used by the target group
Integrating participation opportunities into digital settings
Online moderation that ensures good participation
Choose tools that everyone can use
Use different methods to enable participation with different resources
An accessible and inclusive website
roups of no more than 20 people in online seminars and sessions to ensure participation
No overload with too much information
Note that online formats have a shorter attention span than faceto-face formats – i.e. shorter units


Responsibility is the duty to act correctly in relation to the defined role or what has
been agreed/assumed.


Respect for others and for work


Respect for privacy/GDPR

Request permission for photo/video

Mention of the purpose of certain data collection (for statistical reasons, for communication in the project, etc.)

Dissemination/promotion of events/actions on special platforms in order to reach a wider audience (this
also serves integration)

 Mention of behavioural/language use “rules” to avoid verbal violations (no cyberbullying/harassment on the
internet) – acting responsibly to maintain a safe space on the internet; give everyone space to express their

Implementation in digital world

Don’t automatically post photos online.

Use social media consciously andaccountably.

Do not record or digitally log online sessions unless all participants have given their consent.

Always share well-researched information

Consciously dealing with uncertainty and risk


EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Title III Equality, Article 21 Non-discrimination
1. Any discrimination based on sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features,
language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national
minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
2. Within the scope of application of the Treaties, and without prejudice to the specific
provisions of the Treaties, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.


Equality of people
Enforcement of fundamental human rights
Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms


All EU citizens have the right to receive information about digital volunteering opportunities

All EU citizens have the right to request or refuse volunteering services and products

Discrimination between different groups based on sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.

We treat everyone interested in volunteering equally.

The tools chosen in the digital world should be appropriate, accessible, variable and motivating for all groups

Implementation in digital world

Consider the technical tools for designing an accessible website

Consider the recommendations on gender-sensitive language in public relations

Pay attention to the statements/contents of images/videos that are used

Support equal treatment at all levels (e.g. design written material in such a way that it can also be experienced by visually and hearing-impaired people or can be “translated” for the aids they use).

In public relations, make sure that everyone is included/no one is excluded


The practice or quality of inclusion of people with different social and ethnic
backgrounds, ages, religions, genders, sexual orientations, body weights, and


The desire to learn more



Depiction of diversity in visual (advertising) material – when images with people are used to show a diversity of genders, skin colors, etc.

Use of bilingual languages or languages suitable for the target groups

In calls for actions, courses, etc., openness to diversity should be mentioned directly.

Online materials and websites should be designed to indicate diversity

Hire a diverse team/group of volunteers and also have diverse partners/collaborators and display them on your website and social media.

Take a stand against discriminatory and hateful posts on your social media.

Listen to your team members and learn from them. 

Implementation in digital world

Online materials and websites should be created in a way that indicates diversity – language, images,

Take a stand against discriminatory and hateful posts on your social media.

Make your website accessible to as many people as possible. 

Provide digital tools to facilitate work in and with heterogeneous groups.


Kindness is an appreciative and friendly behavior of a person.





Depiction of diversity in visual (advertising) material – when images with people are used to show a diversity of genders, skin colors, etc.

Use of bilingual languages or languages suitable for the target groups

In calls for actions, courses, etc., openness to diversity should be mentioned directly.

Online materials and websites should be designed to indicate diversity

Hire a diverse team/group of volunteers and also have diverse partners/collaborators and display them on your website and social media.

Take a stand against discriminatory and hateful posts on your social media.

Listen to your team members and learn from them. 

Implementation in digital world

Online meetings also need an orderly course of meetings: welcome, presentation of the agenda, (round of
introductions), discussion, conclusion.
Let participants have their say in online meetings
Small talk is also allowed in online sessions
Introduction of a digital playbook